Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Wing Hin Motorsports’ banking on experience and new blood to take on the Bangsaen Street Circuit in Round 2 of the Thailand Super Series Super Compact Class

MALAYSIANS Mitchell Cheah and Naquib Azlan will make a formidable pair when Wing Hin Motorsports takes on Round 2 of the Super Compact class in the Thailand Super Series when events get underway at the Bangsaen Street Circuit in Thailand from 3-7 July 2024.

Fresh from an outstanding debut in the series last month – where they finished a strong 2nd and 5th place overall and also earned the team a class win in the normally-aspirated category – Wing Hin Motorsports will be depending on Cheah’s experience around the 3.7km track and Naquib’s known tenacity on track as he takes on the venue for the very first time. It will also be the team’s first time competing at the infamous street circuit.

“What we know of the track is from the countless number of onboard videos we’ve been watching over the past two months, and trying to determine what would be the best set up for the car around the track,” said Wing Hin Motorsports Team Manager K. C. Chua

“The set up that we currently have on our Toyota Yaris seems quite right, and if so, then we will have a good fighting chance at Bangsaen. We won’t know for sure until the first day of free practice.”

Based on experience, Cheah has raced at Bangsaen several years ago and every bit of local knowledge will be a bonus for the team, while Naquib who will be a first timer at the venue continues to put in the hours learning the track on simulator.

“We only have 1 practice session at Bangsaen before going straight into qualifying and it will be important that we have the car prepped, the right gear ratios selected and the drivers’ confidence at an all-time high in the 1-hour time limit…But that’s racing and we believe we have the right people at the team to pull this off,” said Chua.

For more information, log on to www.thailandsuperseries.net. – REFLEKS!

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